You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love
Next episode: You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love
Just when you thought all the pre-prom drama was over, then came the actual prom. Find out what new troubles unravel and most importantly the answer to the question that has everyone puzzled: What will be of Peyton now that psycho Derek is back?
Airs: Wednesday April 11, 2007
VARFÖR, VARFÖR?! 7 hela jävla veckor till man får alla svar. .det går inte, jag klarar det inte.
Nu blir jag besviken på dig ; USA !!!
Just when you thought all the pre-prom drama was over, then came the actual prom. Find out what new troubles unravel and most importantly the answer to the question that has everyone puzzled: What will be of Peyton now that psycho Derek is back?
Airs: Wednesday April 11, 2007
VARFÖR, VARFÖR?! 7 hela jävla veckor till man får alla svar. .det går inte, jag klarar det inte.
Nu blir jag besviken på dig ; USA !!!
Postat av: maria
seriöst, CW har major issues när de har uppehåll så länge!! :/